Educators & School Board Liability
Professional Liability Insurance for a variety of Educational Institutions
- Track record and proven strategies for securing quotes for the most challenging accounts.
- Solutions from a variety of national programs
- Risk appetites and capabilities vary by carrier
- Limits available up to $5,000,000 (or more) and will vary by carrier
- Deductibles starting at $2,500
- Premiums typically start at $2,000 and will vary by carrier
- Solutions for pools and purchasing groups
Typical risks include but not limited to the following:
- Public School Systems K-12
- Private Schools
- Colleges and Universities
- Charter Schools
- Vocational
The application form provided is generic in nature. Along with loss runs and other required underwriting information, it should serve to secure indications of cost from a variety of insurers.
Each insurer may, and usually does, require its own completed, signed and dated application to bind coverage.”
Each insurer may, and usually does, require its own completed, signed and dated application to bind coverage.”